Water services, basic sanitation, institutional strengthening and capacities in health education
Water services, basic sanitation, institutional strengthening and capacities in health education
In 2021, just one programme remains active in Peru. This intervention has a total budget of more than 10 million euros (8.6 million donated by the Fund) and focuses primarily on remote and dispersed populations. In many cases, these are rural communities with a specific approach to their needs and their own worldview.
In the second half of 2021, work was completed on six projects: Colca, Chillhuani, Ccocharara, Tinyaripa and Tunyo, improving access to water and basic sanitation services for 1,113 inhabitants belonging to these five rural localities. Moreover, progress has been made in capacity-building in sanitation education, as well as in strengthening the Sanitation and Service Administration Boards (JASS) with regard to system management, operation and maintenance.
In total, the programmes carried out by the Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation in Peru (two bilateral and one multilateral managed in collaboration with the IADB) have had a combined budget of more than 175 million euros, of which 58.8 million were granted by Spain. With this portfolio, the needs of more than 95,000 inhabitants of the most underprivileged rural areas have been met so far
En la actualidad, puede parecer sorprendente saber que cientos de hogares no disponen aún de un baño instalado para uso diario, pero la realidad es que, según datos de Unicef, en las áreas rurales de América Latina y el Caribe, hasta un 6% de la población continúa defecando al aire libre. Efectivamente, existen numerosas comunidades rurales que carecen de este servicio que, a pesar de ser indispensable, llega a cuentagotas por lo disperso del territorio, la falta de recursos y el desconocimiento de soluciones de saneamiento adaptadas a los territorios.