Bridging the gap to achieve full coverage of basic water services and, especially, sanitation
Bridging the gap to achieve full coverage of basic water services and, especially, sanitation
At present, only one action is being implemented in Paraguay, located at the Chaco region, in collaboration with the IADB as part of the multilateral programme portfolio. This programme is titled Solutions for the Supply of Drinking Water and Sanitation in the Western Region or Chaco and Intermediate Cities of the Eastern Region of Paraguay (PRY-014-M). This programme has received 58 million euros in funding (almost 44 million euros donated by the Fund) and has already executed 75% of its grant resources. Work has been proceeding at a slow pace over the past two years due to COVID-19 but has picked up momentum towards the end of 2021. The works in the Chaco region are more advanced (priority is being given to the optimisation of Section 1 of the aqueduct, which is essential in order to guarantee the service), but those in the eastern zone (mainly the wastewater treatment plants in the intermediate cities) are experiencing more problems in terms of execution.
In this action, it is worth highlighting the indigenous approach and the consultation process to establish the free, prior and informed consent of the populations, which has allowed for greater ownership and acceptance of the proposed interventions. In addition, within the framework of the intervention, mechanisms have been developed to prevent issues such as violence against women.
El Fondo del Agua de la Cooperación Española contribuye a reforzar las capacidades técnicas y de administración de los operadores del agua en América Latina y el Caribe para fomentar la sostenibilidad de los programas. En Paraguay acaba de impulsar un amplio programa de especialización para servidores públicos en alianza con el Gobierno.
A lo largo del mes de marzo de 2022, tendrá lugar el Curso Introductorio en Planificación y política sectorial en agua y saneamiento convocado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), el Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento (FCAS) y el Centro de Estudio y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX).
Tras seis años de trabajo y un amplio proceso participativo en el que han participado comunidades y pueblos de todos los departamentos, Paraguay ha aprobado su Plan Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas (PNPI) 2020-2030.
Mientras el acueducto chaqueño aun no funciona al 100%, lideresas de varias comunidades indígenas fueron capacitadas en temas como saneamiento básico, uso y cuidado del agua mediante talleres organizados por el MOPC. Esto forma parte de la gestión social del Proyecto Acueducto