Spanish Geological Mining Institute (IGME)
Reference organisation in geology and hydrogeology
Reference organisation in geology and hydrogeology
In 2021, collaboration continued with the Spanish Geographic Mining Institute (IGME), Spain’s leading organisation for information, technical-scientific assistance and advice to public administrations regarding geology and hydrogeology, with the aim of finding viable solutions for Guatemala City’s water supply.
The joint work is the result of a Management Assignment signed on 17th September 2019, between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation and the Spanish Geological Mining Institute for the diagnosis and action plan for the sustainable exploitation of the Guatemala City Valley Aquifer, within the framework of one of the FCAS programmes in the country. In this context, the IGME was commissioned to carry out studies and technical services as part of an overall programme aimed at promoting a water safety strategy for the reliable provision of quantitatively and qualitatively acceptable water for the populations of the Guatemala City valley, with the collaboration of the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) and the Spanish public company TRAGSA Group.
The programme is articulated around three components. Firstly, to generate quality technical information that serves as a basis for integrated water resources management. Secondly, to strengthen the technical capacities of institutions for integrated sustainable water resources management. And finally, to strengthen the municipal policy framework for sustainable water resources management. The studies and technical services detailed in this agreement fall within the first of the components and the results are expected in 2022.