Official Credit Institute (ICO)
Formalization of financing agreements and technical instrumentation services
Formalization of financing agreements and technical instrumentation services
In accordance with current legislation, the Official Credit Institute (ICO) is responsible for formalising, in the name and on behalf of the Spanish Government, the corresponding funding agreements that the FCAS establishes with the Fund’s beneficiary entities. It also provides technical instrumentation, accounting, cash management, control, collection and recovery services and, in general, all other services of a financial nature relating to the operations authorised under the Fund.
In accordance with the Royal Decree on the organisation and operation of the Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation, the ICO is entitled to be compensated from the FCAS for the expenses it incurs during the development and execution of the functions entrusted to it. This compensation is proposed each year by the Executive Committee of the FCAS for approval by the Council of Ministers