Infrastructures, Integrated Water Resources Management and institutional strengthening.
Infrastructures, Integrated Water Resources Management and institutional strengthening.
In 2021, the programme Increased Water and Sanitation Coverage and Integrated Management of the Lower and Middle Goascorán River Basin (HND-015-B) was completed in Honduras. With a budget of 5.4 million euros (4.5 million granted by the FCAS), the programme aimed to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Goascorán river basin, increasing water and sanitation coverage based on sustainability criteria and an integrated water resources management approach, and supporting the strengthening of local and regional institutions.
The intervention focused on 11 municipalities in the area, all of them with a large rural and dispersed area, far from the urban centres, also very rural, grouped into two commonwealths of municipalities: the Commonwealth of Municipalities of Southern La Paz (MAMSURPAZ), and the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Border (MAFRON). A high percentage of the population in these municipalities faced a lack of drinking water and basic sanitation in their homes, which led to the contamination of surface and groundwater, as household waste was not properly managed.
Therefore, the project was designed around four components: A) Increased coverage of drinking water services: 11 drinking water systems were installed, six of which were newly constructed and five of which were major improvements to existing ones. This benefited at least 2,419 families and several schools, health centres and community spaces. B) Increased coverage of sanitation services: Access to sanitation increased by 13.37% thanks to the project, benefiting a direct population of 706 families with sewage systems, as well as improving those of schools, health centres, churches and community centres. Within this component, four sanitary sewage systems were constructed and four additional wastewater treatment plants were built. In total, 1,302 toilets and a 15.19 km sewage network were built. C) Municipal and community strengthening: In order to support sustainable and community-based water management, 14 water management boards were created, and one municipal department and 7 water boards were restructured to provide drinking water services. Furthermore, two commonwealths of municipalities and 11 municipalities were strengthened, promoting the updating of strategic development plans, incorporating water and sanitation as an instrument of local development, and including integrated water resources management as a binding resource for development. D) Integrated management of the Goascorán River basin to adapt to climate change. The last aspect focused on the river which, covering 130 kilometres, is an important source of water for human consumption. Actions were mainly directed towards the sustainable management of drinking water sources and their recharge areas. To this end, seven micro-watershed management plans were drawn up, the declaration of a micro-watershed as a protected forest area was promoted, and strategies were established to pay for environmental services and two joint nurseries to restore 12 hectares of forest
La Secretaria de Estado de Cooperación Internacional (SECI), Pilar Cancela Rodríguez, cierra la gira centroamericana tras visitar Honduras y Guatemala en el que ha sido su primer viaje oficial para evaluar los principales proyectos con los que la Cooperación Española contribuye a la mejora social y económica de sus poblaciones a través de la educación, la cultura y el desarrollo sostenible.
El apoyo a los operadores de agua es uno de los objetivos del Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento dentro de su apuesta general por el fortalecimiento institucional de los países con los que colabora. Con este objetivo, en el año 2020 tuvo lugar el acuerdo entre la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, AECID, y EMASEA (Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Aguas de Sevilla, S.A.) para el intercambio de buenas prácticas y hermanamientos en materia de abastecimiento y saneamiento en países donde trabaja la Cooperación Española.