Improvement of infrastructures, promotion of sanitation and strengthening of institutions
Improvement of infrastructures, promotion of sanitation and strengthening of institutions
There is currently one programme being implemented in Haiti. This programme is called the Water and Sanitation Sector Reform and Investment Programme (WSSIP), which received a donation of 70 million euros from the FCAS.
It aims to contribute sustainably to increasing access to appropriate, equitable and socially accessible drinking water and sanitation services. Its implementation began in 2012 and is still ongoing today, with completion scheduled for December 2022. The programme is being implemented nationwide, in all ten provinces of the country. As of December 2021, the programme has already benefited more than 644,000 people and it is expected that, upon its completion, the number will exceed one million inhabitants directly and reach the whole country indirectly, thanks to theinstitutional strengthening of the sector. To achieve all of the above, in addition to the civil works, which carry considerable weight from the budgetary point of view, the FCAS develops institutional strengthening actions for the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA) and its decentralised bodies, mainly in intermediate cities, as well as in the capital. This means that work is also being done to ensure that the Haitian institutions themselves are trained to maintain the systems installed once the Programme’s interventions come to an end.
In terms of infrastructure construction or improvement, the Fund is working in cities such as Hinche, where the first phase is underway, Arcahaie, Cabaret, Cap-Haïtien and Jérémie, where the second phase of water systems is already underway. Work had already been completed in the towns of Mirebalais and Aquin and will soon begin in the towns of Saint Louis du Nord, Petit Goâve, Miragoâne, Fort Liberté and Kenscoff
La Agencia Española de Cooperación al Desarrollo (AECID) ha instalado, con la colaboración de la DINEPA, tres sistemas de potabilización en la zona sur de Haití, la más afectada por el terremoto del pasado 12 de agosto, gracias al sistema de grifos múltiples instalado junto a las plantas de tratamiento.