Improvement of access to water and sanitation services within the work area of “social inclusion and habitat”
Improvement of access to water and sanitation services within the work area of “social inclusion and habitat”
In 2021, finished the Fund’s main bilateral programme in Ecuador. Drinking Water and Sanitation in Rural Communities and Small Municipalities (ECU-050-B), which initially received a 13-million-euro contribution from the FCAS and a three-million-euro local contribution, and was implemented by the National Water Secretariat (SENAGUA). As part of the programme, and in conjunction with another Fund intervention implemented by the IADB (ECU-005-M), it was published in 2018 the document “Guidelines for Social Management in Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects in Rural Communities“. It is a tool from which the Water Secretariat of Ecuador (SENAGUA) will work to ensure adequate and simultaneous application of social and technical processes in the implementation of the projects.
In total, six projects were successfully implemented, but the rest of the planned project portfolio could not be implemented due to administrative reasons at SENAGUA, the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and changes in the sector’s institutions[1]. All of the foregoing has resulted in numerous delays and a succession of extensions, until it was finally decided to conclude the programme in March 2021, failing to achieve all of its objectives. The beneficiary entity proceeded to repay 12,064,157 million euros, which was paid on 30th July of the same year.
In 2022, after passing through the Fund’s Advisory Board and Executive Board, a decision will be made as to how to reuse the reimbursed amount. The Spanish Development Cooperation’s commitment is, however, that a significant part of the funds will return to the country and to the communities that have not yet been able to improve their living conditions.
However, despite the difficulties, some significant results can be highlighted, such as the fact that 40% of the Water Boards’ Boards of Directors were made up of women and more than 5,400 people received training on participation and gender issues, according to the beneficiary’s final report.
[1] SENAGUA has merged with the Ministry of Environment into the current Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition.
En octubre de 2020, las mujeres de las zonas rurales del Cantón de Portoviejo, en Ecuador, conmemoraron por primera vez el Día Internacional de la Mujer Rural bajo el concepto “Hermanas de Tierra“, en el marco de su participación en el Programa de Dotación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento para las Zonas Rurales de Portoviejo financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) a través del Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento (FCAS).
En el año 2020, el Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento (FCAS) puso en marcha tres programas específicos para paliar la situación sanitaria provocada por el coronavirus, todos ellos integrados en el marco del programa regional “Promover la adaptación al cambio climático y la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos en el sector de agua y saneamiento en América Latina en el marco del Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento (FCAS)”, gestionado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo con fondos LAIF (Facilidad de Inversiones para América Latina) de la Unión Europea.
El Programa de Agua y Saneamiento en comunidades rurales del cantón Portoviejo es una operación mixta (cooperación reembolsable y no reembolsable) conjunta entre la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (a través de FONPRODE y FCAS), el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), el Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) y la Unión Europea a través del instrumento LAIF. La financiación es canalizada de manera conjunta a través de AECID, mediante un Acuerdo de Cooperación Delegada e incluye un componente de Fortalecimiento Institucional para la Empresa Pública Municipal de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en Portoviejo (Portoaguas EP), con el fin de mejorar sus capacidades en el desempeño de la gestión integral del abastecimiento y el saneamiento de Portoviejo.