Cultural Diversity – Paraguay
Consultations as fundamental spaces for the participation of indigenous communities and women
Consultations as fundamental spaces for the participation of indigenous communities and women
It is worth highlighting the work carried out in the Aqueduct Project in 2021, within the framework of the programme Sanitation and Drinking Water for El Chaco and Intermediate Cities in the Eastern Region of Paraguay (2012-21). The project aims to expand access to water in the Central Chaco region, for which purpose numerous activities have been carried out with the indigenous populations, including the development of several processes of free, prior and informed consultation.
Consultations were a fundamental opportunity for the indigenous communities and women in particular to participate. These have allowed the solutions to be implemented to be discussed, agreements to be reached and the work plans and progress of the projects to be reported on, with emphasis on aspects of interest to the communities. The Programme’s communication area was also key, due to the need for permanent contact with the communities, in their languages, to inform them of the development of the actions. Between July 2020 and June 2021, a total of 87 meetings, talks, training and information sessions were held, with a total of 950 participants. Overall, the Aqueduct Project will benefit 36,000 people in 86 communities and villages made up of six ethnic groups in rural and peri-urban areas.
This year, Paraguay approved, with the support of Spain, its National Plan for Indigenous People, a regulatory framework that aims to establish public policies for the more than 700 indigenous communities living in Paraguay.
Luego de seis años de trabajo y un amplio trabajo con las comunidades y pueblos de todos los departamentos, Paraguay aprobó su Plan Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas. El documento tiene como objetivo establecer políticas públicas para las más de 700 comunidades originarias que habitan en Paraguay. En el escrito plasman el método que usarán hasta el 2030 para articular el trabajo entre los diferentes ministerios. Además con el poder judicial y legislativo. El proceso cuenta con una participación plena por parte de las comunidades originarias y con el apoyo de diversas organizaciones internacionales. Entre las que se encuentra la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID).