Costa Rica
Potable Water and Sanitation Programs in rural and indigenous areas with an intercultural approach
Potable Water and Sanitation Programs in rural and indigenous areas with an intercultural approach
In 2021, the Water Fund only has one active programme in Costa Rica. This programme is called the Drinking Water and Sanitation Programme (CRI-001-M), which is part of a larger multi-donor project. In this case, the Water Fund is donating 20 million US dollars (13.6 million euros), in addition to funds from the IADB (through a 73-million US dollars loan), a local contribution, which has increased from the previous year to 223.4 million US dollars, and a contribution of 134.7 million US dollars from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The FCAS donation, implemented through the IADB, focuses on rural and indigenous areas and it is worth highlighting the intercultural approach being implemented with the Managing Associations of Communal Water Supply and Sanitation Systems (ASADAS). The programme has 98% of the funds pledged and 87% of them have been delivered. The works in Malecu, Santa Rosa de Pocosol and Santa Fe de los Chiles have been completed, and the first phase of San José de Upala and the Sarapiquí system is nearing completion. The second phase of the San José de Upala project has not yet been able to start and alternatives are being studied, which could imply an extension for its completion. At the end of 2021, the programme has successfully provided almost 49,000 people with access to water and sanitation, and has provided awareness raising to more than 23,000 people. The estimated end date for implementation is currently November 2022
El agua ha supuesto un antes y un después para 240 familias en San José de Upala, una localidad al norte de Costa Rica. Gracias a la ampliación del acueducto con financiación de la Cooperación Española los habitantes podrán disfrutar de un servicio continuo, sin contaminación y accesibilidad a este recurso indispensable.