Improved governance and support for the sustainability and quality of services
Improved governance and support for the sustainability and quality of services
Bolivia is one of the countries in which the Water Fund’s own programmes are currently integrated into multi-donor projects in which various instruments are articulated and funding from various actors is combined; in this case, delegated cooperation funds from the European Union, loans from the IADB and the Contravalor programme (Spanish debt exchange programme).
In addition, Bolivia is a good example of how, under the leadership of partner countries, the Fund is committed to promoting the coordination of actors and articulating large, combined operations between different instruments from an initial grant from the FCAS to maximise impacts to benefit the Bolivian population
The lines of action in the country are currently focused on working in urban and peri-urban areas, as well as on strengthening the Integrated Management of Water Resources to reduce the impacts of climate change on the country and, especially, possible situations of lack of water supply caused by droughts.
El Consejo de Ministros aprueba la donación de más de 13 millones de euros a Bolivia para dotar de agua potable y saneamiento a municipios de más de 2000 personas. El objetivo de la acción, financiada con fondos europeos, consiste en mejorar el manejo de los recursos hídricos en zonas urbanas de más de 2.000 habitantes
En el marco de cooperación de la alianza entre el Gobierno de España y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) para impulsar el sector de Agua y Saneamiento (AyS) en América Latina y el Caribe, se presentó la Guía técnica para la selección y diseño de líneas de tratamiento de aguas residuales.